
秉承着“专业、敬业、精业”的企业精神,历经十几年的发展,宏臣科技作为世界最大化工品牌巴斯夫的代理经销商,已成为国内外众多知名汽车品牌的优质合作商和服务商。合作品牌主要有一汽大众Volkswagen、宝马BMW、进口大众Volkswagen Import、保时捷PORCHE、路虎LAND-ROVER、英菲尼迪INFINITI、捷豹JAGURA、宾利BENTLEY、长安马自达MAZDA、广汽讴歌ACURA,红旗,以及大型互联网平台滴滴、小桔养车,知名汽车服务集团迈道夫等。



Hangzhou Honcen Technology Co.,Ltd., LTD., founded in 2009, the headquarters is located in Hangzhou Gongshu districtHongchen is developing to depth and width in the Yangtze River Delta area in automobile field for many years. The company has acted as an agent for many well-known brands, such as BasF, a German brand of car repair paint, and Wurth, a German brand of car care products. Hongchen is a collection of product sales, professional construction and after-sales service in the integration of automotive product quality suppliers.

With the professional dedication conscientiousness" spirit of enterprise, after more than ten years of development, Hongchen technology, as the world's largest chemical industry brand Basfagent dealers,has become a high quality working partners and service providers of domestic and international well-known brands.Its include the Volkswagen,BMW, PROCHE,The LAND ROVER, INFINITI, JAGURA, BENTLEY MAZDA, ACURA, Red Flag, as well as large Internet platform Didi Xiaoju Car, well-known car service group Maidaofu etc.

Since its establishment, the company has been constantly seeking new development, undertake a number of key projects in and around the Zhejiang province such as Hangzhou Subway. Over the years, the company abided by the service tenet of customer first, quality first, keeping focus, following the working attitude of high quality, efficiency, unity and dedication, and won the unanimous praise in the industry.

In 2021, Hongchen will exclusive launch a unprecedented high-tech product for car paint protection-MacroStars. We are confident that the MacroStars with German genes will lead the industry in the future with outstanding quality and amazing visual experience.

Hangzhou Honcen Technology Co.,Ltd.
地址:杭州市拱墅区华滋科欣·设计创意园(祥茂路166号)2号楼 701-702室



